A New Plan for Springfield


The Springfield District is changing. With new precincts being added, and others moving to other districts–this district is about to be new for all of us. With these changes comes opportunity. This is by far the best chance we have ever had of not only unseating Pat Herrity, but finally turning our County blue by retiring the last Republican in Fairfax County.

I’m in this race to make that happen. As a PhD engineer, and the founder of one of the fastest growing and most innovative companies in our region, I actually understand what it takes to build the things that Pat Herrity claims to be a champion of. That’s why I’m exactly the kind of candidate we need to carry our Democratic message into the general election.

You can’t grow a business by undercutting the policies that empower workers to thrive, like affordable housing. You can’t grow a workforce by telling groups of people who look different, or pray differently, or love differently that they can’t be who they are. You can’t bring together a community by continually being more focused on pushing Republican talking points than actually crafting policies in partnership with your colleagues on the Board.  

That’s been the existing playbook, and it’s misserved the people of Springfield for far too long. My entire life has been a testament to proving that there’s a better way, and that’s why I’m the candidate that can beat Pat Herrity in November.    

